Tuesday 15 March 2011

Mobile Phones in Education

Just read two materials about Mobile phones and student learning in secondary schools? And what do we know about using mobile phones in education? Since we are introduced to use Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats to scaffold our reflection, my first instinct is to choose Red Hat which means I use my direct first handed emotion to express my idea the similar way for me as to choose teaching as my career for my emotion, passion towards students.

Yes, undoubtfully mobile phones are good and make our lives easier, more convenient while most of mobile phones users are adults or at least older teenage or children who have a basic theory what is wrong, what is right? What is dangerous? And what is harmless? As for young children at their growing age with which their own view of the world is growing and who are not mature enough to distinguish possible danger, the use of mobile phones will definitely affect their lives including study of course. Just mention how they can use mobile phones in classroom to help their study, curiosity is their nature, especially at their young age. Once they turn on their mobile phones, they are quickly taken way by the various functions and can’t help trying all which means they are totally distracted from their classroom. Take another example, just a message sent by a mobile phone can spread to everyone at school instantly, not to mention someone who has evil intention to lure or kidnap children outside of school wall. Young children are necessarily needed our protection and care. As a good teacher, I believe without using mobile phone in classroom, he/ she still can draw young students’ attention to their study, still can meaning fully engage students’ to planned study activities to achieve expected outcomes.

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