Monday 21 March 2011

Week 3: PMI chart to analyse the using Wiki space

First time I, the digital immigrant, created my own wikispace. Actually when I was creating my new account at wikispace, I found it was not as difficult as I thought when I just followed the instructions step by step which led me to think that if I can give a clear, simple and direct instruction in my classroom, my students will find it easy to learn new knowledge or new technology. So the important part is not the knowledge or technology itself, it is me, the teacher, how to introduce it to my students. That is the art of teaching. The following is my brief analysis of wiki use in educational context:

Plus (all the positives)

Minus (all the negatives)

Implications (the potential outcomes whether positive or negative)

       Active interactive
       Share information
       Share media
       Easy to make a decision or make a list
       Mutual trust
       Fastest communication
       Cost saving

       Copy right
       No record
       No way to chase
       Abuse use

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