Monday 21 March 2011

Week 3: PMI chart to analyse the using Weebly

Here is my link of Weebly:

Then again I was introduced to create a new account at weebly. To be honest, at the beginning, I was doubtful about such activity, why should we take so much time to explore different digital technologies since we have already known how to use at least one of them? Since one might be enough for teaching in a small group environment. Once I created my account easily by the following the instructions step by step again, I just didn’t know what to post on it for I don’t know weebly well know to comment anything.
After I posted my first page of self introduction, I couldn’t believe it that I couldn’t edit it as a author. Then what’s the use of such website? Once done is done, and no way to edit, revise, let alone to comment. I was again reluctant to use such new technology after one failure. Then out of sudden I think if my students were in my situation, would they give up as well for a new technology? How can I encourage them to continue, to try again and again?
So I tried again and came to realize that weebly is different from blog, or wiki. It is more author-centred, or teacher-centred if used in an educational environment. Therefore it is actually a good tool for teachers to give lectures or assignment, or even some announcement.

The following is my brief analysis of weebly use:

Plus (all the positives)

Minus (all the negatives)

Implications (the potential outcomes whether positive or negative)

       No need worry about the change and editing or deleting
       Keep a journal
       Original records
       No interactive
       No comment
       Once done is done, nobody can change inclusive of author
       Less flexibility
       Copy right

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